
wordless wednesday - raindrops

Check out the Wordless Wednesday HQ and Gabriel's blog for more photo fun.


smarmoofus said...

That is pretty! It should be framed on the wall!

Happy WW!

A Gilmore Girls Fan said...

Pretty! I love the tiny water drops. You take beautiful pictures.

Gabriel said...

Beautiful picture! Thanks for the link again. Oh, and my best wishes for 2009! :-)

Happy WW!

My post...

Anonymous said...

That's pretty neat... I love it!

Happy WW!!

Robin said...

A beautiful macro shot, and I love what you've done with the frame. It really sets it off nicely.

Red Lotus Mama said...

Nice photo!

Happy WW: http://tinyurl.com/8axjpz

Pamela said...

the kind of "jewels" that I appreciate

Marsha said...

Terrific macro! Have a great WW!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture!
I wish we had raindrops, but all I've got is snowflakes.

Although, when you think about it, snowflakes are raindrops too. Just in a colder and different stage in their lives.

And when you think further along, isn't that the way of all life?

Gosh, I'm deep....

Beth F said...

Beautiful! Nice composition.

Anonymous said...

Very nice...I can feel the moisture in the air!

InventingLiz said...

Nice colors, I like the hints of pink/red and the outlines of some of the leaves!

Mojo said...

It's amazing to me how much water -- even in small quantities like this -- changes the character of a photo so completely. This would not have been so compelling without it.

Anonymous said...

just beautiful!