
thematic photographic: nature #2

I'm up to two entries in Carmi's Thematic Photographic this week. You can see more nature shots or find out how to join in the fun here.

This guy was slithering along between our driveway and the neighbor's fence.


Anonymous said...

Great photography! Beautiful shots!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

I kind of have to laugh at myself. Somehow behind a camera lens, my fears and paranoia dissipate. I shoot close-ups of things that I wouldn't normally come near. Snakes and bees. You can forget spiders, though. The only time I shot one, I wasn't looking - auto focus was a good thing. :D

Unknown said...

Oh my, I don't know if I would have been as brave as you... he seems to be quite big. You certainly got a great shot of him. Super photo!

carrie said...

so it's just a garter snake, right?

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Yeah, it's a garter - just a very long one.