
thematic photographic: close up

Two for one: Wordless Wednesday AND a second entry for Carmi's Thematic Photographic: Close Up.

Go check out more close up shots at Carmi's.

For more Wordless Wednesday shots, go here, here, and here.


Gabriel said...

Beautiful closeup, Dianne!

And thanks again for the linky love...

Red Lotus Mama said...

Wow ... I have never seen a grasshopper with that kind of coloring. Amazing shot. Happy WW: http://tinyurl.com/58hprv

Ryanne said...

You have done well grasshopper! That is a great close up of the little guy!

Pamela said...

I expect to see the cast of ANTZ in the background.
a wonderful shot!!

Anonymous said...

Good one Dianne. He looks like the guy from the "ant and the grasshopper" fable. Where's his fiddle??

Anonymous said...

This is really nice! A ggreat close up indeed!

Robin said...

What an oddly shaped body he's got. Almost like a human wearing a bug costume.

Great capture.

Anonymous said...

Interesting! Thanks for sharing.

Please stop by my new blog & my old blog for two WW photos!



Aaron said...

Nice, it seems like every time I try to take a shot like that they've hopped away before I hit the shutter release. I'm not sure what he's sitting on but it's got a great shape for the photo too

Anonymous said...

Wow what a great angle that is. So cool. I love all the detail.

Anonymous said...

great macro of the green grasshopper.

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Pamela - Definitely some sort of Pixar thing going on there!

Right Blue - Not sure, maybe he dropped it.

Aaron - He's sitting on the top of a plastic plant/pot hanger. He never did move. I think he hung out there for hours or something. No, not dead.

Maria's Space said...

Love it! That's a fab shot

Ingrid said...

For once I find an insect CUTE !