
show me: me

Yesterday was the last day for Robert's (Thoughts of a Father) "Show Me..." Project. Each day I got a little later in the day and I'm topping it off by being an entire day late with this one. It's been a blast. I've enjoyed visiting everyone else as much as shooting my own entries. Thanks Robert!!

Laughing at Chick-Fil-A, well, not AT Chick-Fil-A, but sitting in a booth, laughing with my family, while sitting next to the Comedian. Because I'm often found laughing. Maybe some day I'll tell about my other name; "Laughs-A-Lot-With-Big-Hair"

Just me.

Here are the entries from the rest of the week:
Show Me: Your Mailbox
Show Me: Your Kitchen
Show Me: Your Front Door
Show Me: Sentimental Object(s)
Show Me: Your Favorite View
Show Me: Something relaxing
Show Me: You


Anonymous said...

Laughter is the absolute BEST - thanks for sharing.... adorable photos!

Raven said...

Laughing is always good. Both photos are lovey, but I especially like the second one.

Cris said...

Good to see your smile... Have a nice week!

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

Very sweet photos! You have a wonderful smile!